One day Marathon for English Teachers: Experience. Excellence. Expertise on Saturday, 26 October 2024. Book your place!
Команда ProgressMe подготовила обзор трендов рынка онлайн-образования 2024 года, наиболее актуальных для тех, кто обучает иностранным языкам.
Марафон завершен. 36 вебинаров. Можно приобрести записи!

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Отзывы о Тeaching 1-to-1 Effectively

It's probably the only course in which we can dig that deep into the context of one-to-one teaching. Teacher Irina did a fantastic job. Not only were her sessions fun, but extremely useful. I am still having a blast with some of the techniques taught in the course.
Игорь Соколов
Teaching 1-2-1 Effectively Course, июль 2022,