Команда ProgressMe подготовила обзор трендов рынка онлайн-образования 2024 года, наиболее актуальных для тех, кто обучает иностранным языкам.
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Отзывы о курсах для преподавателей

The course is very helpful. I've learned a lot of interesting information. It is organized as an interaction between the participants and the teacher. Our teaher provided us with useful materials and books. It's grate!
Ольга Лопарева
Teaching Pre-teens and teens, июль 2024,
I recently took a course on students' IELST tutorials provided by your team and taught by Anna Kuliashova. It was a great experience and a perfect opportunity to upgrade my teaching skills and better understand the current IELTS standards and requirements. The materials were well-balanced, challenging, and coherent, the lectures were interactive and compelling. I would like to emphasize the high professionalism and personal charisma of Anna who immediately connected with the audience and met the highest criteria of the contemporary educator. I recommend this course for teachers willing to expand their horizons and explore new highly demanded teaching methods.
Ариэлла Толорайя
Как подготовить студентов к IELTS, июль 2024,
The course is well-structured and full of information. It involves committing quite a large amount of time to experimenting and putting together reports on the results as well as preparing for the sessions. I can definitely say that the course has changed my teaching and the way I think about professional development.
Александра Мурзаева
Course in Advanced Methodology (CAM), май 2024,
The course was awesome! It really helped me get a deeper understanding of ELT principles, approaches, and theories, and expanded my repertoire of teaching tools. We were so lucky to have Anna Kashcheeva as our trainer! She's an absolute genius and a real pro. She shared some really great insights with us during our sessions. Best of all, the course is well-structured, so it’s easy to get inspired and experiment with various methods and techniques. You can become a better teacher able to make informed and principled decisions about which method or technique to use based on your goals and the teaching/learning context.
Ольга Кузнецова
Course in Advanced Methodology (САМ), май 2024,
Огромное Вам спасибо за курс «Как подготовить студентов к  IELTS» и чудесного преподавателя Анну Куляшову. Она предоставила много полезной информации, дала много советов по подготовке студентов и поделилась информацией по учебным пособиям и сайтам. Она искренне желала нам помочь и рассказать как можно больше в отведенное время. Я ей очень благодарна и желаю ей успехов, а Вашей команде-роста и процветания!
Людмила Буланова
Как подготовить студентов к IELTS, июль 2024,
The course content is well-structured and covers all the key areas: an overview of the exam format and scoring, specific strategies and techniques for each section (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking).  I would highly recommend this course. It provides a good balance of theory and practice, with plenty of examples and exercises.
Наталья Щитова
"Как подготовить студентов к IELTS", июль 2024,
The BKC Course in Advanced Methodology is another great course that I had the opportunity to do at BKC-IH. This has more than met my expectations. A wonderfully practical course, both professionally and personally. The tutors, Heather Belgorodtseva and Anna Kashcheeva, were fantastic—very knowledgeable, extremely supportive, and willing to answer questions as they came up. Thank you once again! 
Нона Гаспарян
Course in Advanced Methodology, май 2024,
There were very warm and pleasant atmosphere during the course and you will get a really full information you are looking for. I do recommend this school for the very professional  attitude. Thank you Vika!  
Светлана Арутьюнова
Teaching Pre-teens and Teens Course, июль 2023,
It changes your perspective about teaching. You will understand better why we do what we do in class as teachers.
Яманда Резал
Course in Advanced Methodology, июнь 2024,
The course fully came up to my expectations. I found the combination of pre-session input and its processing and discussing in class very efficient. The course let me expand and systamatize my knowledge of various aspects of methodology. Not only did it lay the foundation for Delta Module 1 exam preparation but it also provided me with a wide scope of techniques and ideas for lessons.
Наталия Домбровская
Course in Advanced Methodology, июль 2023,

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